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 \______/ /__/     \__\ |__| |_______/  /__/     \__\

Welcome in my Gemini capsule!

I'm a freelance lector & (managing) editor in German language. Leftish libre/open source hard-/software & infosec enthusiast. Expert dog- and babysitter. Uncombative vegan, friendly anti anti-vaxxer. And now also: happy Geminaut! Pronouns: He/him/his/himself, or whatever you like to use.

WTFPL License

WTFPL License

Shortly before launching Caisa's capsule  😉 : A person wearing a white protective gear or a kind of space suit touches sunflowers in a huge sunflower field on planet earth. (Photo by Elia Pellegrini on Unsplash)

Shortly before launching Caisa's capsule  😉 : A person wearing a white protective gear or a kind of space suit touches sunflowers in a huge sunflower field on planet earth. (Photo by Elia Pellegrini on Unsplash)

Also in this capsule





favicon.txt including  💥

Download public PGP key

My channels on planet earth

Mastodon at https://freeradical.zone

Identity proofs at https://keyoxide.org

Homepage at https://neocities.org

Transmission of my Gemini capsule into the World Wide Web


PGP F59D B178 C3D7 7FDA 6507 BCA7 07AB 322A AE26 7AD5
OMEMO 95f8 0d42 f804 fabe 1aaa 4f71 aa39 ac31 38a2 5fdf a24d 1426 3354 2410 8632 477a
OMEMO 31f3 44fe 2cde 7bdc 9037 d6a8 a986 ce89 a348 7218 6fd1 49df 6f19 bdfd 3587 b177

Powered and inspired by Adële

💥 gemini://caisa.pollux.casa/